チャンネル登録者数 | 42万人(1855位) |
総再生回数 | 1億3,172万9,350回(3390位) |
動画投稿数 | 36本(9481位) |
動画1本の平均再生回数 | 365万9,149回/本 |
チャンネル創設日 | 2020年1月20日 |
当サイト登録日 | 2022年4月19日 |
チャンネルリンク | ナユタン星人Official / NayutalieN |
チャンネルID | UChK8kgGU767nKTxp4f4GD6g |
チャンネルの説明 | NayutalieN music/illustration/movie/vocaloid creator. 帰ってきたナユタン星人です。曲をつくります。イラストや動画もやります。よろしくおねがいします。 ※There are a lot of videos uploaded on YouTube that are made very similar to the ones on this channel, but those are covers or fan dubs that I gave permission to upload and are NOT the original content. The original/official content is created by “Nayutalien” and are uploaded on this channel and this channel only. ※The music videos on this channel are made and styled very similarly, but this is intended to appeal the creator’s originality. The music videos are not intended to be easily reused, but to show the creator’s feeling toward each creation. They may look very similar or very overused/reused, but each and every piece is made differently and are separate individual content. |
チャンネルのタグ | ナユタン星人 vocaloid 初音ミク |